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Capacity Building Programme
Capacity is very essential for development, more important than finance. The UN Development Programme has defined "capacity" as "the ability of individuals, institutions and societies to perform functions, solve problems, and set and achieve objectives in a sustainable manner". The term "capacity building" describes the task of developing levels of human and institutional capacity. Whatever may be the terminology, capacity building remains one of the most challenging functions of development.

Unfortunately, top-down perceptions of what constitutes "better lives" do not always coincide with real needs. Benefits given, rather than asked for, at the wrong time, to the wrong people on the wrong skill-sets will prolong rather than alleviate poverty environments. A key dimension of capacity building for communities is therefore the "needs assessment", involving techniques such as "participatory rural appraisal" to understand what interventions will trigger the most positive response and impact.
Our Intervention
Induction and Training for the Selected Animators:
The motivated and competent personnel are selected from the villages as animators of the programme. They are trained in animation and social development. The training enhances their understanding of the existing exploitative social system through social analysis and enables them with knowledge and skill on the means to work towards an equitable society. The training also deals with the areas of rural development, government development schemes and initiatives, rights and duties of every citizen, the role of people in the functioning of local self-government etc.
Animation Programme:
The animators, after the initial rapport building efforts bring the community together to sensitize them on their prevailing socio-economic status and motivate them to unite together and find solutions for their better status and living conditions. The animators educate the community on the social, political system, the fundamental rights under the Indian constitution, their envisaged role in the transformation of society and their collective power they need to recognize and utilize in their own development as well as of their oppressed community. This educational process is carried out through informal meetings, discussions, folk media and screening of movies with the theme of social awakening. This process of animation is aimed at sensitizing the community and enabling them to form community based organization, and motivating them to initiate appropriate action to the problems identified in the course of discussions and brainstorming sessions.

Participation in the Local Self-Government
The sensitised and motivated community is encouraged to actively participate in the local self-government. The community also takes up relevant issues at the ‘Gram Sabha' (village meeting where every adult person is a member) to bring to the notice the issues affecting the community and work towards implementing the developmental programmes sanctioned through the local government in a transparent manner. In this whole process the community also is encouraged to participate in elections for the responsible posts in the local government body and assert their equal status in the Independent India.

Formation and Linkage of Self Help Groups
The Animators under the facilitation and guidance of the coordinator form, nurture and strengthen the existing Self-Help Groups (SHGs) among the community women and youth in the villages. The monthly SHG meetings are utilized as the platform of education and capacity building of the members on various issues that affect them individually as well as collectively. The members regularly save money as micro credit units. The SHGs of the 20 villages are registered as a federation and linked to credit co-operatives. The SHGs are strengthened and empowered to become the change agents in the village through constant trainings and exposure programmes


Specific activities :

Training for the Village Volunteers, Self Help Group Leaders, Facilitators, Supervisors, and Coordinators on Community Organization Skills.

Group Management techniques, and Organizational Development.

Training on Focused areas like, Panchayati Raj System, Social analysis, Group Formation, Legal Awareness.

Promotion of Community Health, Civil Rights and Responsibilities, Social communication etc.

Training on Participatory Rural appraisal for the village communities to take over the responsibility of planning various programmes, Decision making, Implementing programmes, Monitoring the process and achievements, evaluating and taking corrective steps. Government programmes to be mobilized as per the availability and the need of the people.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Awareness on Women's problems and counselling
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