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Non Formal Education |
million children around the world die of
hunger every year, says UNICEF. There are
around 300 million chronically hungry children.
130 million do not attend school. It is
estimated that 250 million children work
in dangerous conditions. 40 million children
suffer from abuse and neglect. There are
100 million street children.
India’s literacy rate is 65% versus
a global average of 80%. 35 million of our
192 million children between 6-14 years
are ‘out of school’. Of those
enrolled, another 15 million are habitual
absentees. Drop-out rates are staggering
and only 31% complete basic schooling grade
X. Amongst those who actually attend class,
learning levels are deplorable. .
7 million out of 19 million children in
Grade V cannot read and write. This does
not even constitute literacy, let alone
Studies repeatedly show that education is
the best way to eliminate poverty and help
children to see light at the end of the
Meal is the flagship campaign of UK overseas
aid organization, Scottish International
Relief. The birth of SIR is the fruit of
inspiration from Queen of Peace, popularly
known as “Our Lady of Medjugorije”.
Mary’s Meals is an attempt to provide
daily nutritious meals to children in a
school/non formal learning center, regardless
of their religion. This meal encourages
children into the class-room. It gives children
the sustenance they require, not just to
survive, but to concentrate, learn, grow
and develop healthily. In this way Mary’s
Meals build a ladder out of poverty as the
education the children receive increases
the opportunities for the productive employment
and creates more-self-reliant and healthier
societies. Thus, the world’s poorest
communities can be transformed.